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Annual Effectiveness Report

(Previously referred to as Annual Assessment Reports)

The AER for academic programs centers on student learning. The assessment of Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) is an ongoing process that focuses on the core function of the College – student learning. Assessment of academic programs is crucial to ensuring that the College remains true to its mission, provide the best education possible for students, and allow faculty the opportunity to review and reflect on their input to the learning process. 

The AER for non-instructional programs and services centers on student experiences and processes.  The assessment of these areas is essential to the mission of the institution.  These programs and services support the core  academic function of the college.  They allow program staff to review and improve their impact on the learning and living experience at SUNY Cobleskill.

Results of the AER are used to make improvements on the effectiveness of academic programs.  This can occur in a variety of ways.  The department chair looks to his or her department’s SLOs for objectives to include in the AER (which, in turn, affects such decisions as the allocation of resources). The department chair also uses the results of the SLOs in cyclical Program Reviews (PR) and initiates the curricular modification process from within the department based on its results. Finally, the Academic Council and/or the Provost/VPAA may suggest changes based upon the AER.